Mango Martini

Taste it...

Saturday, March 08, 2008


I just received this really weird comment on my last blog, and I'm not even sure anyone even checks this anymore, because we're all on myspace or facebook now (except for Jen, who only wants to read blogs on blogspot -- sorry Jen). I actually forgot about my last post, and just reading it again and seeing what I had to say last year kind of makes me disgusted. I'm tempted to delete it, but I'm not, because it's a part of who I am and what I experienced, so that makes it valid.

For anyone who still reads this (and is not a member of the aforesaid online communities where I now post), or if you're just a random user who thinks I'm depressed and suicidal, rest assured, I'm not. HAHA. Although my last post was negative, I've barely had time to write every good thing that has happened since. If we're friends, check my other sites. If we're not, which sometimes happens, please, no calling social services, because the crisis is over.

I thought that it was going to take me a long time to get over my last relationship, but surprisingly and unexpectedly, it didn't! Well, that's a hard statement to qualify, as I'm sure I'll have my little moments of remembrance and annoyance here and there for a little while longer (since it was such a dominant aspect of my life for so long). However, life has been good.

Work has been fun. I love my kids, and I'm getting a good line next year (in theory). All's well at college, and I'm even presenting a conference paper later on in the semester, which is exciting. I've lost 20 pounds and consider myself relatively healthy (for once) -- HAHA! I'm actually heavily involved in muay thai, and am being innundated with interest from my trainers, and even the center's owner, in potentially fighting or teaching in the future. Who knew I would be so good at fighting?? Well, verbal sparring maybe, but hand-to-hand combat?! It's very exciting, and I love it more than almost anything I've ever done!

What else? I'm going to study abroad in Ireland over the summer, potentially visiting Spain, visiting friends in Boston, and probably going up to SF (finally!). I spent the day at Disneyland yesterday, which was fun too!

And?? Drumroll please? I'm hanging out with SUPER hot, educated, funny, interesting, and ambitious men. I didn't think they were out there, especially after my last experience, but they are, so ladies, don't despair. It is possible. AND, since becoming single, I've apparently become funnier, sexier, smarter, and all around just more fabulous than ever (although who knew that was even possible?). :]

Well, I guess that's it for now, seeing as I have a bunch of stuff to do, but I'll end on a quote that a friend of mine had written on her board, and which is highly highly relevant to my life: "We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -- Joseph Campbell. And believe me, nothing I could have planned, and nothing I had, is better than what I have right now and what is proving to come in the future. :]


At 1:44 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I haven't spoken to you in a while. I hope you're happy and well. I'm glad you're still posting on your old blog. And I'm so proud of all you've been doing and accomplishing with the time you now have for yourself. Hope we can catch up soon!


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