Mango Martini

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Reporting Abuse

A couple of weeks ago, one of my students came into class with a bloody eye. I took her aside and asked her what happened. She said that if she told me, I'd have to report it. I was really concerned about what happened to her. I know her boyfriend (he was one of my students last year), and I was wondering if he had anything to do with the damage. Then I wondered if something was happening at home. When another student asked her what happened, she told the girl that she hit herself.

After class, I approached her again. I couldn't help myself. I mean, I was really concerned. She then told me what happened. Her father had hit her. More than once. She described her home life situation and the incident. She said she threatened to call the police if he continued hitting her, and he told her to go ahead and do so, because her mom wouldn't be able to support the family without him. Just horrible things were said and done that night. She called the 911, but the lines were busy, so she hung up. Finally, she decided that it was for the best, since her mom was pregnant and she didn't want things to get worse for her. She seemed to think that something bad would happen to her mom and/or the baby. After she talked to her mom about it, her mom said it wouldn't happen again, and the girl was living with her uncle. She then told me not to say anything.

I didn't know what to do. I was really upset about the situation, and felt like I needed to say something. On the other hand, she really didn't want me to talk about it with anyone. I wondered if maybe things would really get better on their own. Maybe he wouldn't touch her again. Maybe reporting the incident would make things worse for her family, and then she would be upset with me, and I'd be helping to destroy a home. I mean, it apparently wasn't the best home to begin with, but still, who am I to judge. I've never been hit in my life. Well, except for that one time I said "fuck" out of frustration and anger in the car, and my mom slapped my thigh. I was like 18 or 19. I don't think that really counts. But I also know that a lot of kids get hit. Almost all the people I know have been struck or punished by their parents in ways in which I disapprove. Maybe this is just something that happens every now and again.

However, I couldn't not say anything, so I went to the PSA counselor and told her my story. I had to report the incident to children's services, and they sent people to her home and school. She was out for days, and when she came back, she didn't say anything to me. I've been waltzing around the issue, because I've been afraid that she hates me. She hasn't updated me at all, and doesn't seem inclined to speak to me. Yet a few days ago, the PSA counselor told me that she spoke to the girl. Apparently she told the woman that she is grateful to me, because she now feels safer at home. That was such a relief, let my just say....


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