Mango Martini

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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I Feel Totally Old...

Okay, so I know I'm a teacher. I understand that I spend my days with immature and unworldly teenagers (barely). However, I seem to always make these references in my classroom to movies, music, television, etc., and no one ever knows what I'm talking about! Many times, my grandma will talk about a certain actor or event in this same way, and I get irritated, because I have no clue what she's talking about. I think, "Man, I'm not that old!" But maybe I am.

No one has seen Ferris Bueller. No one has any clue who Billy Idol is. Geez, the kids don't even know what the Holocaust is, for Pete's Sake. They've never heard of it! This, I think, is incredible. Especially since there are still many references to it out there (current ones).

Well, yesterday, while reading our textbook, there was a reference to the poem "You are old, Father William." The first thing I thought of was the tv movie of Alice and Wonderland. There have been so many remakes, but there was this one that was especially disturbing. It had darker undertones and included subjects like the jabberwocky (sp?). Anyways, when I read this in the book, I immediately thought of Sammy Davis Jr. poofing out of his caterpillar costume and tap-dancing to this song. I mentioned this to my kids, and they said I was racist. ?? Everything is racist, and I am the most racist of all. I am the embodiment of racism every day, which I find both disturbing and slightly humorous. Especially since I am probably one of the least racist beings on the face of this planet. To continue, after the racist comment, the next words coming out of students' mouths were that I was "crazy" and "weird." I think it's an interesting scene. Very catchy, as well. I went to Blockbuster last night and rented the video. However, when I got home, the animated Disney version was inside. :( That made me sad. I called the video store, because I thought maybe the tapes got switched, but the guy didn't seem capable of checking the shelf, or of understanding my dilemma. So, there's no dancing and singing caterpillar man Maybe I can pick up the tape later on today.

One thing to mention: There was one student who understood what I was saying. This was interesting. He told me that his brother says he was born forty. He's kinda cool though, and he reminds me a bit of Johnny Depp. A much younger Johnny Depp, of course.

On another note, and speaking of slightly dark and disturbing movies that are traditionally viewed as lighthearted, I've been really wanting to rent "Return to OZ" for quite some time. Yet, every time I go to the video store, I forget. Not many people have seen this movie, but I remember it as being cool.


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