I've had a strange month. For some reason, I've been really tired. Well, more than just tired, I've been sleepy. Every night I fall asleep on Diego. We're out, and I fall asleep in the car. We're hanging out at home, and I fall asleep on the couch. I haven't even been brushing my teeth at night, because I can't get myself to walk to the bathroom.
Today was even worse. All day, my eyes have been dry and wanting to close. I feel very, very sleepy. But I haven't done anything!! I don't know what to do with myself. I'm wondering if there's something medically wrong with me. I think maybe I should go to the doctor. :/
On another note, today was a relatively simple day. I didn't do much teaching, because many of my students are taking the High School Exit Exam. More than half my class was missing during the first half of the day. After lunch, about a third of my classes were missing. Tomorrow should be better, because it's the math section. People seem to take that part of the test much more quickly than English. Probably because they don't have to write an essay.
All I feel like doing is baking. Last night, I made this cinnamon refridgerator cookies. I didn't bak them yet, but I have the dough chilled in the fridge. Maybe I'll bake them tonight. I used two sticks of butter though. Ouch! I feel like making cakes and muffins, breads and rolls, etc. This is so dumb, especially since I feel really fat right now.
*sigh* I always feel this way though. Unfortunatly, it's been worse of late. I need to go on a diet, I think.
So now I'm in 6th period, and my class isn't doing much. I'm tired....I wish there was something interesting for me to do. I should probably be grading.
Today is Diego's first day back at ELAC. My poor baby has to start class again. We're going to have less time to spend together. I think I should pick up a hobby.
We don't even know what classes he can take yet. Last semester, we were talking on the phone about a half hour before his math final. Well, we got in a fight, and he was acting like an idiot. I got really angry and told him that maybe we shouldn't be together. Needless to say, this upset him a lot. We hung up. He told me that he ran a red light and kicked a light pole. Moreover, he said that he failed his final.
Shortly after, we made up. I felt bad about my timing, so I emailed his teacher, asking if he could possibly give him another final. Fat chance, I know, but it was worth a shot. The guy never really responded. However, this semester, while trying to register for his next level math course, he was told that he couldn't because he had been dropped from the previous semester's class. :( He's still hopeful that the teacher is up to something, or is waiting to talk to him. I think that my baby failed, the guy got the email, and he decided that getting a withdrawl was better than getting an F in the class. Poor hon.
Another thing is this upcoming Friday. I wanted to go to this place called Cinespace a few weeks back. Emily and I went, but things got all messed up, and we didn't end up staying. Diego had to work. Well, I told him that he would have to take me some day. He agreed, and we were thinking of going this Friday with Emily and Natsuka. Now there are two problems: (1) Emily sent me an email, and it seems like a girl thing with me, her, and Natsuka, and (2) Diego has a softball game that night. He was going to skip it, but since he missed his first game in order to take me to the hospital last week, I feel like he should go this week and I should support him by tagging along. What I really want to do, though, is go to the movies. Why is life so complicated?